Tactical Cube 138 Expansion Pack

      • The Tactical Cube is the Borg’s Class 4 Tactical Vessel. It is a more heavily armored version of a Borg Cube.
      • Captain Kathryn Janeway of the U.S.S. Voyager, along with B’Elanna Torres and Tuvok, transported onto Tactical Cube 138 and planted a nano virus into its central plexus. The virus would allow the drones in Unimatrix Zero to retain their memories and break free from the Collective.
      • After a brief skirmish with Voyager and a renegade Borg Sphere, the Borg Queen attempted to thwart the nano virus by initiating the Tactical Cube’s self destruct sequence

Interceptor Five Bajoran Expansion Pack

      • A Bajoran attack fighter
      • The Bajoran Interceptors are agile ships used by the Bajoran Militia in the defense of the planet Bajor
      • When the Romulans deployed weapons on Derna. Bajor’s fourth moon, a dozen Interceptors were part of a blockage to prevent a squadron of Romulan Warbirds from reaching the weapons and arming them
      • The Maquis employed a number of these vessels against the Cardassian Union and nearly destroyed a Cardassian Galor-class ship in defense of one of their colonies

D’Kyr Vulcan Expansion Pack

      • A Vulcan combat cruiser
      • THe D’Kyr class has a unique design with circular nacelles that fold into a horizontal position when not in use or when deploying a support craft that docks within the engine loop. It has an auxiliary control room on the engineering deck that can operate all of the ship’s functions independently of the bridge
      • When the Enterprise NX-01 was to have its mission cancelled, the D’Kyr was sent by Ambassador Soval of the Vulcan High Command to rendezvous with the Enterprise and recover Subcommander T’Pol.