Journal Entry #30- Hobgoblin Troop

After escaping relatively unscathed from our encounter with Balagos, my compatriots and I happened upon some information about a cache of treasures Eshaedra is moving through the nearby hills. We’ve set off disguised as ordinary highwaymen in hopes of catching the Zhentarim Warband escort by surprise. Members of the Zhentarim Warband are rumored to be well trained in close combat maneuvers and this particular party is supposed to be supported by Amog, a shaman leader. Constantly in Prayer, his divine spells greatly enhance the battle prowess of the entire company so hopefully a critical shot will find a way to dispatch him early in the engagement. Granted, the size of the warband is going to have a direct impact on our chances of success so I hope their numbers are not greater than we anticipated.


These troops are known to use Sophisticated Tactics to move swiftly around the battlefield and seeing a member of the troop down an opponent with a Power Attack is common place. While I’d much prefer we not engage them in close, I fear that type of confrontation is going to be necessary as they seem to be able to sense incoming ranged barrages and are able to Scatter! at a moment’s notice to avoid such an attack.


Being so well trained, we will have to be cautious as we advance our assault. They have mastered the Square Formation that prevents them from being outflanked and able to strike in any direction. Stories have been told of their ability to repel multiple foes with their use of a Wedge Formation as well. Rumors abound that the Juggernaut Mantlet is contained within the stores of Eshaedra’s treasure. I only hope the hobgoblins have not found it for use in the upcoming battle as being relatively unable to hurt them until they choose to attack could surely spell our doom.


Join the adventure yourself with the premiere release of D&D Attack Wing coming in October from WizKids. Ask your local game store for more details and prepare for the quest of your life! Your Primordial Graveyard campaign begins in the 2 Adventures contained in the D&D Attack Wing starter set and continues through all 7 of the initial expansion releases, including the Hobgoblin Troop Expansion Pack. Make your own scenarios as well as you battle head to head against an opponent using the fast paced game mechanics.
